Sunday, October 21, 2018

Webinar; Sharing Child Assessment Results With Parents

I attended a webinar about sharing child assessment results with parents by Dr.Laura . Dr.Laura defined assessment first which is a process of gathering information systematically and using that info for educational activities. It provide a snapshot of child's current skills. Example: an ice berg.
Then, she talked about the barriers to sharing assessment results with parents and that are:
1) Don't feel confident in your assessment skills.
2) Don't really understand the scores.
3) Don't know how the parents might react.
Parents always want to know how their child is doing. So, Dr.Laura give us some tips to prepare before  the conversation. 
1) Plan what you will say and how you will say it.
2) Have a written document to guide you.
3)Start with a brief description of the assessment.
4) lead with the child's strength.
5) Be kind,honest and professional.
Assessment helps you to know how each child is progressing, its a dynamic process and it helps you plan future instruction to benefit each child. Remember, to not compare any child ability to another since everyone has his own ability. Assessment can help parents understand their child's development.
At the end, ask parents to share their perspective and thank them for coming. And remember, that this child is one of many for you, but not for parents. 


  1. Dr.Laura was so professional, she mentioned very real and useful advises i liked most the sharing comments during the webinar it was so helpful too .

  2. That's so interesting, I'm going to attend this seminar course, it's so helpful especially in this period of time, where the parents meeting is coming soon. So you can be very well prepared to know how to deal with parents, to highlight for them honestly the work of their children.


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